Moodle Quizzes

Parts of a Moodle Quiz

Quiz Body

This part of the quiz is the container for the quiz. General settings related to the quiz are made here. These settings include things like: how many times a student can take the quiz, if a delay is required before retaking the quiz, the range of dates between which the quiz must be taken, the number of questions to be displayed on a page, grading options, as well as some other settings. For more information, visit

Item Bank

The item bank is a container for questions that you create or import. They may be organized in categories for easier access, and categories may be nested within other categories.

Types of Questions

Common types

The most common question types include multiple choice, true/false, short answer, numerical, matching, and essay.

Other types

Moodle also allows random short-answer matching, calculated, and embedded answer question types.

Site Designed and Maintained by rsciorra
Last Updated Thursday, January 21, 2010